您可以扫描下方二维码或点击阅读原文链接到腾讯公益项目页面查看更多项目详情并捐款支持我们。 武汉同志中心 Wuhan LGBT Center成立于2011年,是一家在武汉及其周边地区开展同志(LGBT)社群服务、公众教育和政策倡导的公益机构,我们致力于宣传平等机会意识,推动多元性别教育,提高同志的自我认同,改善同志及艾滋群体的社会处境。
Wuhan LGBT Center, established in 2011, is a LGBT community in Wuhan and surrounding areas. We are a public welfare institution for providing LGBT community service, public education and policy advocacy. We are committed to promoting awareness of equal opportunities, promoting gender-diversity education, raising the sense of self-identity for LGBT people and improving the social environment for the LGBT and the HIV-positive people. 疫情期间,酷儿论坛提醒各位社群伙伴做好自我关照和防护,瓜瓜期待与各位小伙伴在杭州同志中心再度相逢。本文转自武汉同志中心公众号,项目筹款将经由春苗基金会用于支持武汉同志中心(武汉市武昌区为先社会工作服务中心)的工作。